Pain Crisis

When red blood cells becomes sickle,they are stiff, sticky and can get stuck in the blood vessels and thus prevents the easy flow of blood. This blockage stops the movement of oxygen-rich blood. This causes sharp, painful and excruciating pain in the area where the blockage occurs. I associate this pain with activities of mortal and pestle. If you are not a sickle cell patient and you wonder why sickle cell patient cry whenever they get this crisis, just put your hand inside a mortal and allow someone to hit it with pestle once. Imagine the kind of pain you feels and the painful signal it sends to your brain,that is exactly how sickle cell crisis feels. This pain sometime come anytime like just sudden and takes you unaware but most times this pain gets invitation from the sickle cell patient. Some of those invitations includes:

  • Dehydration
  • Infections
  • Stress
  • Cold weather
  • Periods in females
  • Swimming
  • Rigorous physical activity and so on.
Sickle cell pain occurs in some part of the body and they includes:

  • Leg
  • Hand
  • Shoulder
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Joints
  • Knee etc.
